Do Away3D support these features? (see post for more info)

Software: Away3D 4.x

rampadc, Newbie
Posted: 20 February 2014 11:16 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi, I’m starting to learn Away3D recently. As much as I love Away Foundation’s showreel on Youtube, Vimeo, the documentation, tutorials and help files are outdated and scarced. They are plentiful for older versions of Away3D but not for 4.x. I hope they will improve (write a new book). I’m not sure what other 3D engines to use either anyway, since Adobe’s sponsoring Away3D and made it a big thing.

My project requires a set of features that I’m not sure if it’s possible in the current release of Away3D:
1. Make triangles, resizing triangles on-the-fly.
2. Create skeletons and bones with Actionscript. For example, rotations of joints affect the final position of the hand (through many joints along the way)
3. Revolving a set of lines around an axis to generate a new mesh.

For [1], I looked at LiTools’ but I’m getting “Error: Incompatible override” for buildGeometry().

If Away3D doesn’t support this set of features, which other 3D engines would fit the bill? It’s a non-commercial project.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 20 February 2014 12:11 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

doc, tuts etc… takes lots of time (read enormous amount of time). Away3d team is composed of freelancers. Where aside Away engine development, all team members have own activities to pay their bills…

1: You can make a triangle using either code or helpers classes dedicated to geometry routines (tools, extrusions packages… ). That’s something you can do since version 1.x.

2: Yes, but there are no extended api for this yet. You have to look at awd2, md5 or collada parsers to see how its declared/constructed.

3: Thats probably one of the first class I wrote back in 2007—> LatheExtrusion
There are tutorials on my site, for older versions but concept is exact same. In one of the repo examples (early 4.0 versions), I also posted a few demo classes.

So its a yes to all your questions. The ik/bones editor however will require a certain effort on your side. Good luck.



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