VertexAnimator : how to split one animation in many ?

Software: Away3D 4.x

dj_ouf, Newbie
Posted: 19 February 2014 01:25 AM   Total Posts: 9


I’ve got a MD2 animated mesh, but it containing all his animations in a single one named “frame”.

So my goal is to split it, and if it’s possible to give a name to them

Exemple :
- from frame 1 to frame 10 : “idle”
- from frame 10 to frame 15 : “walk”

Any idea ?



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 19 February 2014 10:37 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

If you load your md2 into Prefab, you can after you select your animator go to Vertex animator. Once opened, not only you can edit at vertex level but you can rename your frames/nodes, your sequences/animation states. You can add or generate new ones etc…  close the window to see the update animation in action. You can reopen to edit at will. You can then reexport as md2 or choose a slighly more efficient as3 export.


dj_ouf, Newbie
Posted: 19 February 2014 06:49 PM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 2 ]

Thanks Fabrice !

I watched the video, it seems very usefull. I’ll definitevly install prefab to try it.
I’ll feedback you if required.



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