using Starling Texture in Away3D, TextureAtlas in Away3D

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jenson, Newbie
Posted: 01 February 2014 10:25 PM   Total Posts: 3

Hello guys,
1. I’ve read somewhere that there is coming Away3D TextureAtlas feature? Is it true?

2. There was also similar topic, but it died. So I renew the problem:
have anyone tried using starling texture in Away3D? Is it possible? Maybe something like starling TextureAtlas?

I’d like to have few sprite sheets, each will have graphic which will be displayed in Starling and on 3D objects in Away3D. In order to have best performance, there will be uploaded just one sprite sheet to graphic card.

Is it possible to get graphics as StarlingTexture and Away3D TextureMaterial from the same sprite sheet?

thank You for any help!



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