I’m trying to create a skybox that looks super pixely but setting sky.material.smooth to false seems to not affect the skyboxes smoothness.
The image is just a simple 32x32 png of a dithered gradient.
The skybox code follows (4.1.1)
var skyW:Bitmap = new skyWall();
skyW.smoothing = false;
var sky:SkyBox = new SkyBox(new BitmapCubeTexture(skyW.bitmapData, skyW.bitmapData,new skyCeil().bitmapData, new skyFloor().bitmapData, skyW.bitmapData, skyW.bitmapData));
SkyBoxMaterial(sky.material).smooth = false;
Anyone have a clue what might be up?
Each image is embeded like so
[Embed(source = "../../lib/skybox/dezertOutpost/wall.png", mimeType = 'image/png')]public var skyWall:Class;