camera placement

Software: Away3D 3.x

oladitan, Member
Posted: 15 August 2011 10:27 PM   Total Posts: 71

Hello. I am looking for a way to get accurate camera angles in a scene for away 3d 3.6.0. Any tips for positioning the camera other than guess and check? thank you.


Amon, Newbie
Posted: 16 August 2011 02:00 PM   Total Posts: 15   [ # 1 ]

Hi, I have more specific problem but subscribing to the same topic. Namely, what I have is a skybox with a camera inside of it. Now I would like to move this camera however neither coords changing nor moveX methods affect camera’s position. Contrary rotations work fine. What is wrong? I tried different camera types, I was googling to find sth about it but all I’ve found were outdated tutorials… Any help appreciated…


Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 16 August 2011 02:19 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 2 ]

oladitan: You could use an external 3D software package, navigate through your scene there and simply copy the camera position and rotation. You can also make your camera interactive within your scene so that the mouse rotates the camera and the arrow keys move the camera and then find a suitable view. You can also point the camera using the lookAt function this is a lot easier than guessing the camera angles.

Amon: This is the way the skybox is designed: moving your camera won’t change the view on the skybox. Your moveX method actually works, but you just don’t see it unless you put other models in your scene. If you want to fly through the scene and see the ‘skybox’ move then you should probably make a large cube in which you move around.




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