Sprite3D: How to get mouse events correctly? (MouseEvent3D/PickingCollider)

Software: Away3D 4.x

rdoi, Member
Posted: 06 November 2013 10:13 PM   Total Posts: 86

How to correctly detect mouse events in Sprite3D entities?

As far as I understood, the default mouse event for Sprite3D is triggered from it’s bounding box.
Well, an AABB is not really reliable in this case because it is not updated with the camera.

Trying to set other picking collider are useless, because looks like the Sprite3D.collidesBefore() code is just a dummy that doesn’t really works (null exception, refering to an undefined camera and submeshes).

As a workaround, I may replace it by a custom camera facing Mesh+PlaneGeometry.

But isn’t there a simpler way? Am I missing something?



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