Pixel precision problem

Software: Away3D 3.x

caiodv, Newbie
Posted: 06 November 2013 09:57 PM   Total Posts: 2

So, I’ve got some cubes on my scene, all with the same faces, built using cubeMaterials. All the materials are MovieMaterials, and I need it to be the exact same size I have in the psd. After a lot of research I’ve found out that the best way to do it in Away3D 3.6 is to set the camera z position to -900, BUT, as you can see in the image I have this “line” on all faces, it’s vertical and horizontal, and it’s placed exactly in the middle of face.
Does anyone have any idea of whats wrong, or what I can do to fix this?



I’ve found a solution, just add 1 pixel to lockH and lockW.




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