Detect when scene is builded , or workaround -> Really urgent

Software: Away3D 4.x

bardo, Member
Posted: 05 November 2013 05:23 PM   Total Posts: 79

Hi all, i have a problem of timing in my mobile app.

ALL the assets are embedded, i don’t load nothing.

I can write the flow of this app as

Start Screen -> Form screen -> AwayScreen -> Last screen.

Basically, this app is composed of many screen, one of them is an away3d scene. On desktop there is a little delay on the stage3d init, but its not hurting. On mobile, when i build the ‘Away Screen’, the app completely freezefor some second ( i can’t even see when i remove the ‘Form Screen’ ) .

I can add a fake loader before building my scene ( tricking the user ), but i need to remove it when the _view will start to render FOR REAL: how can i do ? Do somebody have a workaround or a suggestion ?  Many thanks



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