Physics: How to add “wind” to a particle explosion.[Solved]

Software: Away3D 4.x

MickyMike, Newbie
Posted: 04 November 2013 12:17 PM   Total Posts: 8

Hi there.

I’m working in a particle explosion, using the particle system included into the gold release.

I need to apply the effect of “wind” to my explosion: The particles flying rightward while expands.

I tried the ParticleFollowNode class, but I can’t get the effect.

Any advice to get this result?



MickyMike, Newbie
Posted: 04 November 2013 05:30 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 1 ]

Ok, solved.

Based on this example:

If you need to get an effect similar to “wind” yo must change into the method

private function initParticleParam(prop:ParticleProperties):void { 


the vector3D assigned to the velocity of each particle:

prop[ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D] vector3D// << this vector do the magic. 

In my case i fill the vector with random values for the x and y axis, and 0 for te z axis.



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