Prefab -> Copy and past portion of path ? 

Software: Away3D 4.x

bardo, Member
Posted: 28 October 2013 03:41 PM   Total Posts: 79

H all, is it possible to copy / paste portion of path in prefab ?

I have a ‘fake’ car view (simply a camera following a path, really simple). I create my path and the related mesh in Prefab1, use the awd datas to generate the path in Away, maybe some refining on the mesh via prefab2 .

Now, i have to code a fork ( this will be a little deviation from the original path, but it will rejoin with it ).

I thought (for the camera movement) just to create 2 path, and , at the fork, let the user choose the direction.

I havent problem with the mesh itself, prefab is really a good tool, i will simply duplicated, rotate it it and export the entire mesh , but i need to have these 2 separate path for the fork : how can i do ? I’d like to make it in prefab, if there’s a way, anyway i’m open to smarter solutions wink

Knowing my english is not easy to understad, i have make a jpg !



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 28 October 2013 04:02 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

simply make another path (2), your fork, but with start at 0,0,0. At the segment you want to fork on path (1), simply add this position to each of the segments anchors and save as new path (3).


bardo, Member
Posted: 28 October 2013 04:08 PM   Total Posts: 79   [ # 2 ]

Thanks, i’ll give a try!


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 28 October 2013 04:51 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

Little tip, if you want to use the path from start (1) to the end of path (3)
I suggest you give a shot at the smoothPath method…



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