Away3D and Starling TextureAtlas problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

elemmiki, Newbie
Posted: 25 September 2013 04:37 PM   Total Posts: 10

I’m trying to use texture atlas to easily manage my textures for use as the textures for planes.
I have about 6 textures that I’ve placed in a TextureAtlas, which I created with Texture Packer software (.png and .xml were created), and when I try to access one texture and apply it as a material to a plane, the plane disappears. It’s like the texture wasn’t read properly.
Here’s the code:

var material5Z:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(Cast.bitmapTexture(TAtlas.getTexture("Ramona-blue-zidna-plocica-25x33.jpg")),true,true);
plane1.material material5Z

I’m using TextureAtlas from Starling framework.




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