OBJ textures and uv mapping

Software: Away3D 4.x

Reaven99, Newbie
Posted: 31 August 2013 12:56 AM   Total Posts: 6


I have a question i dont know if it has bin answered before or if it is really easy..

I am using the OBJ format to import/embed the models which is not a problem but when it comes to texturing them it is.

I am using 3ds max to export the models and by doing so i create uv maps(unwrap UVW) but this takes alot of time when it comes to designing a town or something else big.

Is there a way to export the textures from 3ds max and import/embed them into away3d?
Like a house inside 3ds max its fully textured on all sides without a uvmap and i export it to a certain format and away3d can import/embed it and shows the textures like in 3dsmax.

I know OBJ can export a .MTL but i have no idea how to import/Embed it in away3d and/or if it even works.

I am using:
away3d 4.0.9 gold

I am looking foward to all replies!

Big thanks in advance!



dottob, Jr. Member
Posted: 31 August 2013 02:57 AM   Total Posts: 49   [ # 1 ]

Maybe sea3D can help you,if your mesh have so many model and maps,or animations.


If you still want to do someting with obj format,here is a sample(see responses 5-6):

Obj’s vertex,faces,uvs,...

Good day!


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 31 August 2013 10:02 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 2 ]

You cannot embed obj and mtl. If you load the obj and if the mtl is at the relative url as specified into the obj file, it will load the dependencies from the mtl info automatically. If you wish to embed, load your obj first into Prefab or AwayBuilder. Both apps will read the compagnon mtl and load the dependencies. Export as awd with the embed option on.



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