3D Augmented reality do-able in AIR on mobile?

Software: Away3D 4.x

JeffW, Newbie
Posted: 29 August 2013 05:35 PM   Total Posts: 1


I am doing some research on building a 3D AR app on mobile, could be iOS or Android. I’ve been looking at Unity with sth like Vuforia, but am also interested in AIR mobile with libs like Flartoolkit or in2ar.

Is it do-able with AIR mobile to project a 3D model of say 80.000 polygons and configure or animate it smoothly?

Does Away3D support these libs?

Do you know of any examples using this technology?

And what can I expect performance wise compared to Unity?

Just some initial questions, any feedback would be appreciated smile



theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 30 August 2013 03:27 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

I’ve tried IN2AR on mobile together with Away3D and it worked beautifully smile
There are classes included in the SDK specifically for Away3D.
Not sure about the polygon limit, that’s going to vary between devices. Lighting, shadows and large bitmap materials are the things that really effect performance on mobile, so bear that in mind. As for Unity, I have not tried it with AR. I would check out the IN2AR forum, they support both platforms.

Good Luck!



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