Some 3DS Max AWD exporter questions

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mal Duffin, Newbie
Posted: 07 August 2013 04:13 PM   Total Posts: 14

Hi folks,

I’m aiming to develop something for the OculusVR Jam ( ) using the Oculus ANE ( ).

I’m using the 3DS Max exporter ( 32 bit ) from

Here are a few quick questions…

A) If I create a cube, and map it with a new material and make it red, the box comes out a very light gray colour instead of red - is this a known issue?  Note that it doesn’t matter what colour I set it to, it always exports as light gray.  I’ve checked the AWD in AwayBuilder, and it shows the diffuse as Hex CCCCCC.

B) When I tile a texture, the material doesn’t get tagged as repeating.  Maybe having repeat on by default would allow for both tiled textures to work immediately, and also for UV’s outside of the 0 / 1 range to work ( if the mapping was incorrect ).  Basically if this defaulted to true it would mean that all mapping would work for artists out of the box, and if the coder wanted to not have it tile ( eg for a tree billboard where the texture was wrapping around ), then they could tweak it for these exceptions.

C) When I animate an object ( eg a Box ) rotating, the animation doesn’t come through.  I read on another older posting that this type of animation wasn’t possible yet with AWD - is this still the case?

D) When I specify an opacity texture ( or just a diffuse texture with an alpha channel ), the Alpha Blending isn’t set by default. 

E) When I double click an AWD to open up in AwayBuilder, then go to save, it doesn’t remember the location of that clicked on AWD.

At the moment, I’m having to run everything through AwayBuilder to tweak - some of this stuff would ideally just work directly from the exported AWD.

I’m just starting to get to grips with Away3D, to use as part of this Oculus project, so hopefully some of these issues are already solved, or are down to user error ( mine smile )

Many thanks…



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