[SOLVED] OutlineMethod issues (overlaping problems with other objects)

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mario M., Newbie
Posted: 29 July 2013 04:28 PM   Total Posts: 12

I’m trying to create a semi-3D game combining a 3D map and 2D sprites created with flash, all with a cartoon style, so I need to add a black outline to 3D elements in scene in order for a better look.

Problem appears when I put all together in the same scene and sprites are shown OVER the outline! (see attached image)

I have the same problem with other 3D elements but it was partially solved creating different textures for every element, and also my intention was to change the order outline is rendered, I don’t know how exactly, but at least I had some idea, but sprites appear always in front, no mater I create them before or after 3D outlined elements.

Any solution?
If I need to modify OutlinePass, where I start to look?
Is it possible to use the dedicatedMesh created by the outlinePass as a simple 3D object, so the z-order will be manage as usual?



Mario M., Newbie
Posted: 30 July 2013 02:59 PM   Total Posts: 12   [ # 1 ]

I’ve found the solution.
I was sure to have tested all the options, but it looks like I forget to put showInnerLines=true in the last version.

I only needed to change this:
texture.addMethod(new OutlineMethod(0x000000, oulineSize, false, true));
to this:
texture.addMethod(new OutlineMethod(0x000000, oulineSize, true, true));

Sorry for your time.



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