I want to drag/position a mesh inside a container, on a local XY plane for example, while the container is being turned/rotated. For example. I have a plane with some elements inside a PlaneContainer and I have eyes a motor for example also inside the PlaneContainer. I want to be able to reposition the motor, but on the same xy plane inside the PlaneContainer.
public function startDraggingInteraction() :void
if (!_drag)
_drag = new Drag3D(_view, _mesh, Drag3D.PLANE_XY);
_drag.debug = true;
_drag.useRotations = true;
_drag.planeObject3d = _mesh;
_drag.planeObject3d = _mesh;
_drag.planePosition = _mesh.scenePosition.clone();
_isDragging = true;
_view.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame);
in the Drag3D.updateNormalPlanes method it will calculated the normal of the obj… so world = false; But the plane on which I can drag the mesh seems to stay in the World coordinates.
Is it possible to have the the DraggingPlane setup locally?
Hopefully I made myself clear…