I want to rotate arround the complete object´s X and Y Axis.

Software: Away3D 4.x

ANDI, Newbie
Posted: 16 July 2013 02:32 PM   Total Posts: 4

Hi I want to rotate the targetcamera around an objekt which is at 0,0,0.

here is some code i wrote:

var cameraRotatorX:Number stage.width mouseX;
cameraRotatorY:Number stage.height -  mouseY;
cameraRotatorY += 0.0+cameraRotatorY/100 ;
cameraRotatorX += 0.0 cameraRotatorX 100 ;
camera.=   Math.sincameraRotatorX  180 Math.PI  ) * cameraDis;  
camera.Math.sin(cameraRotatorY 180 Math.PI) * cameraDis;
camera.=    Math.cos( -cameraRotatorX 180 Math.PI) *   Math.cos(cameraRotatorY 180 Math.PI)   *     cameraDis
camera.lookAt(new Vector3D(  ) ); 

The Problem is with this code the rotation of the camera arround the Y-Axis of the object. The Rotation is only 180 Degrees an then rotation backwords again.
I want to rotate arround the complete objects X and Y Axis.

Is there anyone who has done something like this ?



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