I can see the wall from outside but im in the room

Software: Away3D 3.x

Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 11:24 AM   Total Posts: 70


as you can see in the attachment I can see the wall from outside but I’m in the room.

The Room is from (-225, -135, -600) to (225, 135, 0).

So if the X-Coordinate of the Camera is -193 as you can see in the attachment I’m in the room, so it should not be possible to see something outside the room.

Why can I see something outside the room?

P.S.: I have a picture with higher quality but it is bigger than 75kB.



80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 11:37 AM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 1 ]

judging by the perspective i would guess camera is outside of room

maybe z-position below -600 or greater than 0?

if the camera really is in the room, it would be the view clipping makeing the walls invisible that are to near to the camera, but thinking about perspective, it shouldnt be possible to see the outside of a wall from within a room.


sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 11:42 AM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 2 ]

ok i see camer.z is -297, so that should be inside room.

is the room child of another object3dcontainer thats not at 0,0,0 ?


sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 12:35 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 3 ]

the room child is directly added to the scene.


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 06:12 PM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 4 ]

is the origin of the room at a corner? I’d put it all in an ObjectContainer3D so you only have to keep up with a single origin as you add more things


Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 09:51 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 5 ]

The room is completely inside a ObjectContainer3D and the container is added to the scene. The Point 0,0,0 is not in a corner. Does this couse problems like my ones?


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 09:55 PM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 6 ]

try moving the camera incrementally until it appears to be in the proper center of the room and note how much you had to offset its position to make it look right. That offset value may make it more clear what is going on


Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 10:04 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 7 ]

if I move the camera to the point 0,0,-300 I am in the center of the room and it looks like this too.

If I move to -220, 0, -300 and look to -220, 0, 0 everything is fine, I don’t see the wall from outside.

If I then increment the LookAt X Coordinate the wall from outside appears and grows.


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 10:14 PM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 8 ]

did you verify what the pivotPoint location of your ObjectConatiner 3D is?


Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 10:32 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 9 ]

No, I didn’t. But I didn’t change it either. Can this be a explanation for my problem?


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 10:35 PM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 10 ]

it could if your room isn’t actually centered where you think it is


Guido, Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 10:46 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 11 ]

Ok. Thank you very much for today (night in germany). I will check it out tomorrow!



Guido, Member
Posted: 11 August 2011 06:59 AM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 12 ]

The room is geometrical speaking a cube. I quartered the faces only for testing reasons. I thought, it might solve my problem, but as you can see, it didn’t.

I’m now checking out the Pivot Point…


Guido, Member
Posted: 11 August 2011 07:21 AM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 13 ]

Ok ... changing the Pivot Point doesn’t make any difference. Is it possible that it has something to do with backclipping plane and frontclipping plane?


Guido, Member
Posted: 09 September 2011 09:34 AM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 14 ]


i still have this problem. For that reason my collusion detection doesn’t work, because the camera is in the room, but I can see the wall from outside.

Does anybody have another idea?


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 09 September 2011 10:38 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 15 ]

please provide a running demo, I don’t really understand what your problem is…



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