Away3D 4.1.1 Beta_Can´t make 2 or more Filters3D work together.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mar, Newbie
Posted: 12 July 2013 12:07 PM   Total Posts: 29

Hi there,

I am trying to apply to my model 2 Filters3D (MotionBlurFilter3D and DepthOfField3D) But only the one in second position seems to work at a time. For example:

//FILTEER EFFECTS————————————————————————-

var MotionBlur: MotionBlurFilter3D = new MotionBlurFilter3D(0.8);
_view.filters3d = [MotionBlur];
this.addChild( _view );
var dof:DepthOfFieldFilter3D = new DepthOfFieldFilter3D(1,1);
dof.focusDistance = Vector3D.distance(_camera.position, new Vector3D());
//dof.range = 2;
//dof.focusDistance = 2;
//dof.focusTarget = _camera;
_view.filters3d = [dof];
this.addChild( _view );

In this case only DepthOfField3D would work. Why? How can I make both work at a time? It´s not my GPU that´s for sure.

And why if I apply transparencies to some geometries in my model, none of them (MotionBlur nor dof)would work? Is it a bug?

Thanks! Cheers

P.D I´m not using Stage3DProxy (I read here it was giving some problems)


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 12 July 2013 01:55 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

_view.filters3d = [dof, MotionBlur]


Mar, Newbie
Posted: 15 July 2013 09:03 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 2 ]

Upps.. jeje, thanks John! I feel stupid now hahahahah…

It applied both filters yey! But I’m still getting some trouble with the transparencies though. It’s like the transparencies turn into or draw a black stain on the screen, only where the transparent geometries are. They do this when I move my model to see it 360. It is a compiler problem, a bug,..? How can I fix this? Or is it simply that filters are not compatible yet with transparent geometries.

With transparency I mean alpha value put in the material in Away Builder.

Thanks a lot!


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 15 July 2013 05:24 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 3 ]

Not sure on that.
Best thing is to post a simple example of the issue that others can test.



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