Stage3d + Away3d + Oculus Rift = Getting Sick (the bad kind)

Software: Away3D 4.x

Fragilem17, Newbie
Posted: 10 July 2013 05:06 PM   Total Posts: 15

Hi Guys,

I’ve been working on the oculusAne on github found here:

We’ve been investing a lot of time in it lately and all the basic pieces of the puzzle have been falling together. Things like:

SBS Stereo rendering
Tracker ANE (passes cameraQuaternion’s to away)
BarrelShader as a Filter3DTask

Now that we have it working it’s kind of a bummer seeing the overall experience is bad. :-(

The reason is a delay between moving your head and updating the screen.
(that needs to be fast! Real fast in order not to get motion sickness)

The framerate of the scene is a steady 60 fps and the cameraQuaternion is updated each frame. So my question is: Where is the delay?

if i’m running at 60 fps and i feel like everything is lagging (blindly guessing) a 60 ms. It has to be the whole rendering pipeline that is behind.

Just to clarify, it’s not stuttering, it’s smooth! but when quickly turning your head you see the world following behind like your eyes are on a spring. If you’re not wearing the VR-glasses on your head but just look at the rendered image on your monitor while shaking the glasses you would say it’s perfect. but the delay is there and very noticeable when wearing them.

Maybe it is the flashplayer communicating with the videoCard through stage3d, maybe it’s away3D that introduces an extra delay in between, maybe it’s the ane? who knows and how to find out?

Anything on the subject would be greatly appreciated!



theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 22 May 2014 06:41 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

I’ve been working with an Android headset built out of a Samsung Galaxy 2.
Using the internal gyros, it’s super responsive.
I’m using the Durovis Dive extension for Unity, but am hoping to get an Away3D equivalent out there soon.

I’d be interested in using you SDS render smile




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