* Skeleton/joints and Inverse Kinematics

Software: Away3D 4.x

Laup, Newbie
Posted: 10 August 2011 08:07 AM   Total Posts: 1

I’m working on an art-installation which connect the human body (with all organs) to the kinect. Now I’m stuk a bit. I’ve got a rigged model with I.K.. I’ve exported the model to MD5 and it works good with pre animated sequences. I can also manipulate all skeleton joints individually. But to get realtime mocap with the kinect I need to connect the joints in IK chains. Can somebody pinpoint me a direction to start. In away3D 3.6 there were Bone objects, I can’t find something like that in 4.

Thx already


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 August 2011 02:09 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

As far as I can tell looking at the skeleton classes, the skeleton poses are “baked” i.e they are no longer affected by IK contraints as they are in say, 3D studio. You mention you can manipulate joints individually, how are you doing that?

With the Kinect scenario, don’t you get the bone positions anyway? The IK solution would then be done in the Kinect hardware/software.



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