how to realize fluid within pipelines

Software: Away3D 4.x

seti3d, Newbie
Posted: 28 June 2013 10:03 AM   Total Posts: 19

Hi guys!
I have to create a system with some tanks connected eachother with pipelines.
When filling the tanks with fuel you should see the flowing fluid.

I think there are two ways to realize it:
1. half-transparent pipelines and a particle system which simulates
  the fuel.
  Problem: I need TWO emitters where the particles start.
            Something like a deflector which prevents the particles
            to lost the way within the pipelines and/or break the
            wall. Furthermore the pipelines split into 2 pipelines
            so the particles have to follow both pipelines.
2. I have to cut the pipelines to get lots of parts and change the
  textures of the hundreds of pipeline-parts which means a
  really lot of manually programmed texture-changes.

Or is there an easy way to realize something like a chaser?
By the way: the pipeline system will just be shown within the
top viewport - no moving cameras and no other view!
Does anyone has an idea how to create this simulation?



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