Modifying CylinderGeometry 4.1.1

Software: Away3D 4.x

EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 27 June 2013 02:03 AM   Total Posts: 44

I’m updating an old project that was using Cylinder Primitives that are manipulated /resized etc during runtime.

I was modifying the topRadius and bottomRadius based on some interface elements.

Now using the CylinderGeometry to define the initial values, then create the mesh.

However i can’t find if theres a way to manipulate those values short of recreating the mesh/CylinderGeometry each time they are changed.

Is there something i’m missing?


EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 02 July 2013 05:52 AM   Total Posts: 44   [ # 1 ]

Ok, figured it out.

cyl = CylinderGeometry(intmesh.geometry);

gives me access to the Original variables.




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