Hello and nice to find this software
Actually surprised when flash can load 3d models
So, im a starter away3d user
And been fighting to load a simple 3d model to a scene
The model now load using the Embed or pre-runtime(?)
, but how to load a multiple models?
Do i have to declare a new variable for each different models?
Find this piece of code but i dont know how to use it
use name of mesh
if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.MESH) {
var mesh:Mesh = event.asset as Mesh;
if (mesh.name==“youpla”) yourMesh01 = mesh;
if (mesh.name==“bla”) yourMesh02 = mesh;
Is the mesh.name is the class name, the path or maybe the prefab properties?
What about the yourmesh01?
Sorry if im asking a newbie question
Any help is appreciated