How to make camera not to go through walls and stuff

Software: Away3D 4.x

Van Hellsing, Newbie
Posted: 03 June 2013 07:43 AM   Total Posts: 30


How to make camera not to go through walls in the game level? It’s clear that I have to tie it to something to detect collisions with, but I don’t exactly understand how to do this. And how to make it work with HoverCameraController or SpringCameraController

My game uses Away3D 4.1.1 beta and latest snapshot of AwayPhysics


Pierce, Jr. Member
Posted: 07 June 2013 06:43 PM   Total Posts: 40   [ # 1 ]

Check out the example demos for AwayPhysics to see how the engine is instantiated and how collisions are handled. You basically just need to attach a collision volume (invisible geometric mesh) to your camera. Good Luck!


Van Hellsing, Newbie
Posted: 08 June 2013 11:22 AM   Total Posts: 30   [ # 2 ]

Thank you, pierce. But how do I get the camera only to interact with a level, and not other objects on it?


Pierce, Jr. Member
Posted: 08 June 2013 03:27 PM   Total Posts: 40   [ # 3 ]

You have complete control over what is added to the physics world. If they are separate meshes you shouldn’t have a problem. If you are importing an external file for your level geometry, make sure to export/import only the actual level as it’s own object, then save your non-colliding geometry in another file to be added separately. Does this clear it up?


Van Hellsing, Newbie
Posted: 08 June 2013 05:08 PM   Total Posts: 30   [ # 4 ]

Yeah, that part is clear. But I really can’t figure out how to attach a collision volume to a camera, and the pass it on to a camera controller.

I want something like this to happen:

var cameraBox:AWPCollisionObject = new AWPCollisionObject(new AWPBoxShape(),;
var cameraController:HoverController = new HoverController(cameraBox);



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