Away3D 3.6 - MovieMaterial doesn’t show up when applied to back of a Plane

Software: Away3D 3.x

sr.richie, Newbie
Posted: 30 May 2013 01:09 PM   Total Posts: 2

I’m doing some modification on some old code using Away3D 3.6

I’m trying to instantiate a MovieClip on a surface of a Plane, but I’m noticing that when applying it to the back, it doesn’t show up:

sheet = new Plane({width:512height:256segmentsW:15segmentsH:20material:frontMaterialback:backMaterialbothsides:true}); 

Curiously, if I apply the same surface to the front, it works:

sheet = new Plane({width:512height:256segmentsW:15segmentsH:20material:backMovieback:frontMaterialbothsides:true}); 

What I’m doing wrong? I’ve been browsing quite a lot and I cannot see any problem in my code…Any hint?




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