[SOLVED] Baking Normals - Goon in Blender, Poor in PreFab3D?

Software: Prefab3D

Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 29 May 2013 03:20 PM   Total Posts: 29

—- I will just write the SOLUTION in place of my original post—-

In my case, when baking normals to low poly models in Blender, and subsequently importing the geometries (as OBJ) and maps (as PNG) in PreFab3D, I get weird artifacts. That is due to the fact that the normal maps are being handled differently by the two softwares.

A normal map in essence, is a RGB(A) image, where each individual channel contains specific information:

Blue channel - depth data (essentially a bump map)

Red channel - left to right deviation of normal

Green channel - top to bottom deviation of normal

A quick pit stop in Photoshop will fix the problem, you simply need to invert the Green channel.

Cheers smile


Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 29 May 2013 03:25 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 1 ]

—- the post was removed by it’s author—-



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