Effect possible - shadows on transparent material?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Logrey, Newbie
Posted: 28 May 2013 05:59 PM   Total Posts: 12

Hi all -
I’m making a project that has a Starling background layer, and I would like an Away3D layer, with shadows, on top of it. I have all that set up and working great, but I can’t find a way to make the floor plane (that shows the shadows) to be transparent *with* the shadows still showing.

I’ve tried (without success):
- adjusting the floor’s alpha
- blend modes on the floor’s color material
- applying a TextureMaterial with a clear PNG bitmap

All of which reduce/change the floor opacity, but also the shadows. If I ever go fully transparent on the floor material, the shadows are gone too. Any suggestions? Am I missing something obvious? Thanks!


Logrey, Newbie
Posted: 28 May 2013 06:55 PM   Total Posts: 12   [ # 1 ]

Just a follow-up to myself (if anyone else finds this thread). I may have found a solution that works for me. Maybe it will work for someone else.

- I made my floor material a ColorMaterial of 0xFFFFFF
- I set the material’s blend mode to Multiply
- I change my directional light’s ambient value to something like 0.5 (which washes out the white floor to stay very white)

With the floor that white, the Multiply blend mode works as expected, leaving me with some nicely transparent shadows. Upping the ambient value doesn’t leave the shadows as a solid black, but that’s fine for purposes (I need them a little more subtle anyway)



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