Sharing Skeleton - animation control Away 4.09

Software: Away3D 4.x

Radagast, Newbie
Posted: 29 April 2013 03:21 PM   Total Posts: 28

Hi there!
I cant find way for good control of Multiple animations sharing same Skeleton and SkeletonAnimationStates.
We load “warrior characters” on scene from AWD2 (exported in 3Dsmax). Every Warrior share same graphical resources, also Skeleton and all SkeletonAnimationStates.
Meshes are cloned.
U can see that example here

_skeleton Skeleton(AssetLibrary.getAsset("Bone001"_modelURL));

for (var 
i:int 0_stateNames.lengthi++)
{  var state:Skelet _modelURL));
state.looping false;
_states[_stateNames[i]] state;

One of Characters on stage “Mr Static” should just display animation once and than just stop (loop = false).
Secend one is moving randomly and with each move is playing random animation.
The problem is that every time “Mr Three Moves” plays the same animation like “Mr Static” the
animation plays on both models. How to avoid that?
I would like to create clone of SkeletonAnimator or maybe SkeletonAnimationState so i could launch animations independently.

Best regards


Radagast, Newbie
Posted: 30 April 2013 08:32 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 1 ]

U guys have some idea? Anyone ?
I think i just simply missed something but i cant fugure out what ;/


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 30 April 2013 09:15 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 2 ]

Some bits in this thread.


Radagast, Newbie
Posted: 30 April 2013 10:43 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 3 ]

Thanks John, but that still dont work for me. The problem is the same, but
I cant pass 3rd param in play method like u did in ver 4.1"walk",null,0

I am currently on version Away3D 4.09 only two params in play method possible.

just changed Topic title - added version 4.09 there.


Radagast, Newbie
Posted: 06 May 2013 08:10 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 4 ]

I resolved this problem just using Away 4.11 Beta:)



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