Render html layer on top of stage3d/Away 3d

Software: Away3D 4.x

sk, Newbie
Posted: 24 April 2013 09:16 AM   Total Posts: 8

Is it possible to render html on top of Stage3d/Away3d?

We are building a game server where only the game is flash and all the rest such as login windows, popups are supposed to be handled by html.

It seems with wmode=direct this is more or less impossible?


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 24 April 2013 01:27 PM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 1 ]

Hi! This might help possibly.

It sounds like it could be possible but you can forget about using transparency in your HTML elements. I don’t have first hand experience with that problem though, just summing up what the link says.


sk, Newbie
Posted: 24 April 2013 01:35 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]

After reading more carefully I saw that not all browsers are supported and that makes it not even worth trying at the company where I work.

We are now thinking about choosing something else than flash only because of this. The whole frame work is made with html and only the game itself is supposed to be flash. All gui events should go from backend to an html front end.

This seems strange, there’s got to be a way around this?


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 24 April 2013 01:38 PM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 3 ]

That would be nice; I’m always up for learning something new smile



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