Pixel Bender 3D, AGAL, custom shaders

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 01 July 2013 08:24 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 16 ]

Pierce, I know how things go about code development.
My point is that, even with early code it is extemely helpful for the coders in the first place to comment thoroughly every method following a few simple rules.
This way you can keep live docs updated so that team members can stay on top of other coders’ work that might easily interfere with their own.

A positive side effect is that early adopters will pick up the framework faster, giving it momentum, which in turn will make the project more valuable and attract funds more easily. That will speed up the growing of the framework and bring it in front of the competition.

Just my two cents. It’s not that Away3D isn’t good. It’s that some drawbacks, in my opinion, are keeping it from exploiting it’s full potential.

If I had the time to dig in the source at every step, I’d do it. Unfortunately I’m on a tight schedule and have to make do with the basics.

The Beta version and latest tutorials have already allowed me to make some important steps forward.

It’s the fact that I know So much more could be done with this beautiful framework that leaves me frustrated smile


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 July 2013 11:31 AM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 17 ]
Ascanio - 03 May 2013 08:52 AM

Ok, looks like I finally found Adobe’s lost documentation. They have messed up the official one, but the beta livedocs are complete:


I’m quoting an old post, but in case you didn’t find out since then, there is up to date documentation as well smile

You can even download it for offline use, just make sure to download it again each time there’s new API. (basically each Flash/Air release)

There’s also documentation for use inside your IDE. You can find it in Air SDK. The playerglobal_rb.swc file holds it, but most likely your IDE knows that already.

So if there’s one thing we can’t say, it’s that Adobe’s doc sucks. wink



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