Extracting orientation:Quaternion and translation:Vector3D from SkeletonJoint’s inverseBindPose

Software: Away3D 4.x

mataps, Newbie
Posted: 20 April 2013 07:31 AM   Total Posts: 9

Hello away3d team,

Im trying to animate my md5 mesh manually, as my starting point I want to copy the SkeletonJoint’s orientation and translation to JointPose, but I came accross the issue where I could’nt find anything useful from SkeletonJoints properties. So my initial thought is that SkeletonJoints stored the orientation and translation in the inverseBindPose property, but when I tried to decompose it my model got screwed. Im not very good in Math and English so I think it’s better if i show my code smile.

private function onAssetComplete(event:AssetEvent):void
if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.ANIMATION_SET)
  animationSet = event.asset as SkeletonAnimationSet;
  //build the animator
  animator = new SkeletonAnimator(animationSet, skeleton);
  //build the skeletonPose for custom animation
  skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
  //create a jointPose for each joint ( clone :D );
  for(var i:int = 0; i < skeleton.joints.length; i++)
  var jointPose:JointPose = new JointPose();
  jointPose.name = skeleton.joints.name;

  var matrix3D:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
  var decomposedMatrix:Vector.<Vector3D> = matrix3D.decompose(Orientation3D.QUATERNION);
  //create a new clip and add it to animationSet
  var skeletonClip:SkeletonClipNode = new SkeletonClipNode();
  skeletonClip.stitchFinalFrame = true;
  //add 2 frames since it will throw an error only 1 frame is added
  skeletonClip.addFrame(skeletonPose, 1000);
  skeletonClip.addFrame(skeletonPose, 1000);
  skeletonClip.name = “myAnim”;
  //finally add the clip to the animationSet :)
  mesh.animator = animator;

I’ve searched google and other posts and I always find people struggling on this king of issue but nothing works for them. Hope that you will kindly answer my question. Thanks smile



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