Parse OBJ

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 18 April 2013 04:57 PM   Total Posts: 29

I am trying to import a real-world OBJ file, with no luck.

I have successfully loaded a simple OBJ geometry made of no more than 30 vertices, coming out of Blender, using the Loader3D() object as per the many examples available.

If I try to load anything that goes beyond that, including OBJ files from examples on the web (such as head.obj from the Away3D samples), the parsing freezes the movie, until it reaches the 15 second script timeout.

Any ideas?

var _loader:Loader3D = new Loader3D();
//_loader.loadData(MyModel, new AssetLoaderContext(false), null, new OBJParser());


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