Flash CS6 Away3D 4 - Problem compiling from source

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 17 April 2013 10:22 AM   Total Posts: 29

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the VideoTexture, to no avail.
The 4.1.0 alpha (SWC) throws a #1034 error at compile time.
The 4.0.9 gold (SWC) doesn’t throw errors, but doesn’t show the texture either.

I though I’d try modifying the source code… but…

I tried hooking the library source code instead of the swick file, but Flash Professional CS6 fails to compile. It just sits there for a minute or two, then throws in type coercion errors. I tried hunting them down in the code, but it’s clear the compiler isn’t playing well.

I have no experience with command line Flex SDK compilers. I can’t download FlashBuilder here at the office (and I wouldn’t be able to use it more than a month anyway…)

So it looks like:
- I can’t compile swiff files from Flash with the Away3D source code.
- I can’t compile the Away3D code into a swick.
- I can’t get the Away3D swick file(s) to work without bugs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 17 April 2013 10:32 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 1 ]

OK, looks like 4.0.9 Gold (SWC) is working.

I got the video to display smile

Two and a half hours of precious time just went out the window… meh.



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