RoundedCube, but for vertical edges only

Software: Away3D 3.x

Slade, Newbie
Posted: 04 August 2011 12:37 PM   Total Posts: 5


I’m facing an issue. I would like a RoundedCube but where only the vertical edges are rounded. like this one.

I’ve tried to create a primitive myself based on the RoundedCube primitive but I must admit it’s far beyhond my understanding.

I’ve also tried an extrude-like creation process but failed.

And lately I built a model in 3dsmax, the model was fine. But when the application is running i need to modify the radius in reel time.

Well, so far anything i tried failed, and i’m not good enough in Math to find a proper solution. And i’m sure it’s much more easy that it sounds, i hope so anyway.

If anybody got a lead i would be glad to hear about it.

Thanks smile

PS: Sorry for my english, ain’t as good as i wish.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 04 August 2011 01:10 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

As writing a primitive yourself is a bridge too far, you have 2 options left:
build the shape from more parts: 4 Lathe extrude objects + planes or hire one of us to write the generator for you. (a way to finance away3d development)



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