PhongPBMaterial with a Mesh, all black

Software: Other

gracy123, Newbie
Posted: 06 April 2013 04:46 AM   Total Posts: 15


I use a mesh and several Faces and I apply a PhongPBMaterial to each face. As normal map i use a white image, because i dont want to have a normalmap effect, but i must use PhongPBMaterial, because i want to use PointLight.

All i get is my mesh in black, i cant see the textures and my framerate is equal to zero.

Any Idea, what i’m doing wrong.


80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 06 April 2013 11:30 AM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 1 ]


For any Away3d question its very usefull to let us know, about what away3d version you are talking.
Since away3d 4 does not have any PhongPBMaterial, this question seams to be about away3d 3.6.

i think if you apply a white texture as normal-map, you do apply a normal effect to the fullest.

i am not 100% shure, but i think thats your problem.
I believe the normalMap thats is expected by the PhongPBMaterial should be in Object-Space, which afaik means you would have to use some 3D-software to calculate a normal-Map in object space, that does not have any effect on the surface.
If the PhongPBMaterial would use NormalMaps with TangentSpace, you could use a normalMap filled with this color: 8080ff

As i said, not 100% shure of that, but may be worth to look into.

Hope that helps.



sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…



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