How can I get a Vector3D point out of angleX , angleY and distance information???

Software: Away3D 4.x

fermmm, Newbie
Posted: 26 March 2013 05:20 PM   Total Posts: 7

I don’t know very much about trigonometry, and when I work with the flash 2D frameweork I use Point.polar all the time.
Now I need the same but for 3D. I googled a lot for this and got a lot of different algorithms an none of them worked for me, maybe I searching with the wrong terms or I don’t know trigonomerty enought to solve this by myself, I need your help guys.
How can I get a Vector3D point out of angleX , angleY and distance information??? In more technical words I need a sphere coordinates to cartesian 3D coordinates converter function, should work like this:

var location:Vector3D polar3D(distanceangleXangleY

fermmm, Newbie
Posted: 28 March 2013 03:34 AM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 1 ]

I’ve found how to do it:

Vector3DUtils.rotatePoint(new Vector3D(00distance), new Vector3D(angleXangleY0)); 


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