separate animations

Software: Away3D 4.x

CyrilM, Newbie
Posted: 22 March 2013 06:15 PM   Total Posts: 15

I am working on a rather large Away3D project in 4.1. We have several characters and many clothing and costume pieces.

What we want to do is load all these things in as SEA3D objects and then share animations between them.

I have been able to do this by doing the following

(shirt as Mesh).animator = ((character as Mesh).animator as SkeletonAnimator); 

However, we want the animation to come in from another file as opposed to be packaged with each character model as there may be many in the future with the exact same animations on them. Is this possible?

We want to be able to use an XML animation file, or possibly another SEA file with just the animations in it, but I haven’t been able to get anything working.

Any help would be great.



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