AlphaMaskMethod cant change alpha

Software: Away3D 4.x

dikmene, Newbie
Posted: 20 February 2013 12:45 PM   Total Posts: 1

I was trying AlphaMaskMethod and found out that method cannot change texture alpha. I use the following code:

var _mat:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterialCast.bitmapTexture(new Circle()));
_mat.alphaBlending true;
_mat.repeat true;

_alphamaskMat:BitmapTexture Cast.bitmapTexture(new CheckerGrid());
_mat.addMethod(new AlphaMaskMethod(_alphamaskMatfalse)); 

As far as i understand, AlphaMaskMethod changes fragment code to multiply source texures red channel with target textures all channels

return  getTex2DSampleCode(votemptextureReg_textureuvReg) +
"mul " targetReg ", " targetReg ", " temp ".x\n"

After some code digging i found this code piece in ShaderCompiler.compileMethods()

if (_preserveAlpha{
_fragmentCode += "mov " alphaReg ", " _sharedRegisters.shadedTarget ".w\n";


   if (
+= "mov " _sharedRegisters.shadedTarget ".w, " alphaReg "\n";

When i comment out that piece, method works like expected(or as i expected). And I couldnt find a way to change _preserveAlpha to false.

Whats the proper way to do this ?



rdoi, Member
Posted: 13 February 2014 01:03 PM   Total Posts: 86   [ # 1 ]

We got the same problem, and it looks like it is a bug. So, I’ve opened a issue in the GitHub:

The preserveAlpha is set automatically during some shader pass of the material so not so easy to workaround.

The problem that remains is the alphaBlending=true requirement, that causes z-order problems by itself…

Lets hope they give us a good solution.



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