I have successfully managed to load an asset and grab the mesh from it. But I want to create many meshes from the same asset. Is that possible? The code below does not work? It only adds 1 model to the scene. Am I doing something wrong?
_athleteMeshArray = new Array();
for (var i:int=0; i<10; i++)
_athleteMeshArray[i] = Mesh(AssetLibrary.getAsset("male"));
trace("Asset Found");
_athleteMeshArray[i].castsShadows = true;
_athleteMeshArray[i].material.lightPicker = _lightPicker;
_athleteMeshArray[i].z = -400;
_athleteMeshArray[i].y = -107;
_athleteMeshArray[i].x = -200+xOffset;
xOffset +=10;