Autocad 2013 to away3D import-export?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Babylon, Jr. Member
Posted: 08 February 2013 05:27 AM   Total Posts: 39


I just got Autocad 2013 and was wondering if there was a way to export a file from that, and to import it into Away3D?

File types:

Also, if there are any examples that do something similarly to this.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 08 February 2013 08:55 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

You can load dxf files into Prefab and rexport as as3, awd or any of the other export options.
3DFACE, LINE, VERTEX, POLYLINE, LAYER. Some REVIT tags are also supported in order to keep a parallel possible with for example dwg, dwfx, ifc of ifcxml files regarding ids. Non 3D data is ignored. Lines will be drawn but will not be editable or exportable (on the todo)
Most 3d programs, such as max, stratapro, ac3d etc.. export usually using the 3DFACE tag, which is also what Prefab uses for its DXF export.
The export must be explicit and not implicit. If you can only export implicit, you will have to use solutions such as BIM servers to output to collada from implicit type files. You can then load these dae’s in prefab or directly into your away3d project. Tho, I would recommand not do the last, as they need big cleanups…
STL is currently in development. Loading and exporting STL ascii and binary with dedicated geometry checks/generation for easy ports to most popular 3d printers.



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