How to use constrained mode

Software: Away3D 4.x

GiGBiG, Member
Posted: 11 January 2013 11:35 AM   Total Posts: 57

I am having a few troubles with my first 3D game: it works very bad on old hardware, so I need to use the new “constrained mode”. I don’t need any kind of shader, I have simple shaded models with base illumination, no projected shadow, fx etc.

I have found this discussion in the forum
and I have modified the Stage3DProxy as explained here and in the Adobe/ByteArray pages, setting the profile parameter to BASELINE_CONSTRAINED, but it is not sufficient.

Now I receive the error

Error #3661: AGAL validation failed: Temporary register index out of bounds for destination operand at token 3 of vertex program 

kurono says that AGAL code can’t exceed 96 lines (that should be a combo of 64+32, according to the Adobe site, if I am not wrong), and I have no clue of how to fix this. Is it an easy fix or I need to rewrite AGAL class from scratch? I have no time to learn AGAL language now… I could be fired :(

If an easy fix exhists I think it could be terribly usefull for a lot of people in the need of supporting old hardware.



GiGBiG, Member
Posted: 14 January 2013 08:54 AM   Total Posts: 57   [ # 1 ]

Noone knows? Old hardware is waiting for Away3D! smile



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