Summary of Skeletal Animation

Software: Away3D 4.x

Skyser, Newbie
Posted: 09 January 2013 08:09 PM   Total Posts: 7

Hi all, I am finally gaining some understanding of bones animation in Away 3D and I am posting a summary in case others are confused like I was.

A Skeleton represents the bones affecting your mesh. It is separated from animation info so that the same skeleton can be used for different meshes in different poses.

A SkeletonPose is a single keyframe of a bones animation.

A SkeletonClipNode is a single named animation for a mesh, such as WALK, SHOOT, etc. SkeletonPoses (keyframes) are added to a SkeletonClipNode. (I was originally confused because I thought ‘clip’ referred to some kind of 3D clipping, but I believe they are using it in the sense of a movie ‘clip’).

These nodes (animations) are grouped together in a SkeletonAnimationSet.

To actually play one of the animations you make use of a SkeletonAnimator which is attached to your mesh.

A CrossFadeTransition can be used to move between poses in a blended way.

Based off of Rob Bateman’s polar bear example, here is one good way to do this sequence:

* When you load your model set up an onAssetComplete handler as shown in many of the examples.
* Once you get the SKELETON asset you can go ahead and create a new animationSet and animator.

animationSet = new SkeletonAnimationSet();
animator = new SkeletonAnimator(animationSetskeleton); 

* don’t forget to add the animator to your mesh:

mesh.animator animator

* For every ANIMATION_NODE asset that you handle, add it to the animationSet.

var clipNode:SkeletonClipNode event.asset as SkeletonClipNode;
animationSet.addAnimationclipNode ); 

* You can use keyboard or mouse handlers to drive which animation plays when. You can use a transition to smooth any switches:

var stateTransition:CrossfadeTransition = new CrossfadeTransition0.5);; 

As far as I can tell no ANIMATION_STATE assets are handled or used in this process.

That’s my current understanding. If I’ve gotten something wrong or left something out please let me know, thanks!




Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 09 January 2013 09:10 PM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 1 ]

While all this can be arrived at after a lengthy(ish) investigation of the examples, it’s always nice to see people make effort for the better of the community, good job!
I’m sure your explanation will be useful to someone out there, thanks man!


timTaylor, Newbie
Posted: 18 January 2013 08:06 AM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 2 ]

struggling around 3 days to get my bone animation working. all the examples in the web i found are obsolete and don’t fit away3d 4.


asherritt, Newbie
Posted: 04 February 2014 08:31 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 3 ]

Thank you so much! Seems like there should really be an official example and explanation straight from the Away3D team. Do they not want developers to understand and use their product? Charge for it if necessary, but please don’t leave us in the dark.



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