Which version of the Flex SDK should we be targeting?

Software: Away3D 4.x

julespong, Member
Posted: 27 July 2011 06:07 PM   Total Posts: 53

When working with the nightly builds from github which version of the Flex SDK do we need to be targeting? Currently, I’m using 4.5 (build 20967). I noticed that 4.5.1 (build 21328) doesn’t seem to be compatible with away4. When will we be able to use the latest SDK with away4?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 27 July 2011 08:20 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

In what way is it not compatible? The Flex SDK version should not really affect whether you are able to run Away4 or not, as long as you use the correct playerglobal.swc for the player version that you’re targeting.


julespong, Member
Posted: 27 July 2011 11:09 PM   Total Posts: 53   [ # 2 ]

Turns out I wasn’t updating the playerglobal.swc when i added the 4.5.1 SDK. Thanks for the reply, saved me some time and frustration.



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