Starling touch events

Software: Away3D 4.x

dlx, Newbie
Posted: 30 December 2012 12:02 AM   Total Posts: 12

Hi Away Team,

I`m working on a game where I need to use Starling for UI display.
Everything displays well, except that I’m not able to trigger the TouchEvents, on any Starling display object.
I tried to play around with the Stage3DProxy and the Stage3DManager, but with no effective result…
Can someone help me with this issue ?

PS : I`m posting the same thread on the Starling forum, as I don’t know from which lib it’s coming from!


dlx, Newbie
Posted: 30 December 2012 12:33 AM   Total Posts: 12   [ # 1 ]

Sorry, I found out by myself :

you can delete this thread as duplicate…



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