Maya AWD2Exporter

Software: Away3D 4.x

Saaikouze, Newbie
Posted: 24 November 2012 09:21 AM   Total Posts: 10

Is there any news/new info on the release of the Maya AWD2Exporter? Because atm Im importing models from a game with Maya, exporting them to FBX, importing them in Max, losing some animation info in the process, haven’t figured out how to fix this yet, and THEN exporting to AWD2 format.

And either I’m doing something wrong ( , check the 3rd and 4th ones) or this workFlow just isn’t right.

Thx for this great, great program.

Kind regards


Saaikouze, Newbie
Posted: 25 November 2012 07:34 PM   Total Posts: 10   [ # 1 ]

No one any new news? :(

‹‹ Ola Flower


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