3D objects over a synchronized video

Software: Away3D 4.x

sunfffd, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2012 08:40 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hello guys,

I’m trying to build an interactive site based on a video, may a couple minutes long.
What I have in mind is to have some clickable text planes that will pop up and track according a character in the video. Say a dynamic speech bubble flowing on top of a guy’s head while he walks across the street.

The video itself will be interactive and it can be fast forwarded/rewind and paused.

I have thought of a couple of issues to be tackled:

- laying the 3D space plane over the movie clip playing the video
- how to sync the video with the 3d objects in terms of pausing and playing
- or away3d isn’t need at all. (some say it can be done using CS5 3D)

It’s been a while since I worked on a Flash project so see if you guys can shed some light on the possible approaches.



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