Issues Welding Vertex and Merging Meshes (!).

Software: Away3D 4.x

NAZ, Newbie
Posted: 21 November 2012 01:19 PM   Total Posts: 9

Hello Guys,

I’m experiencing some trouble with Welding and Merging meshes.

At first i just wanted to create an example where i could combine a series of cubes into one and then alter it’s vertices going into the Subgeomety’s vertex data, i found the MergeHelper from Matse in the forum which helped me have my 3 cubes in one container but when i wanted to alter the vertex data i saw the faces were actually independent from the whole, experimenting issues like the first 4 screenshots i put below.

Then i found about welding, and it seemed to be the last piece, but when i weld my container it seems to not do the job fully, the some faces where more connected some not, plus it distorted my merged container of boxes, like i show in the last 3 screenshots.

I tried also not merging but only welding the container and got the same result.

Can you give me some light from my issue?

I post the code where i merge and weld the 3 cubes, they all share the same geometry and colorMaterial.

Also this test was made using the latest version of AWAY3D 4.0

Thank you very much. smile

private function setupPrimitivesAndModels() : void {
var cWidth int 50;
_cubeGeometry = new CubeGeometry(cWidthcWidthcWidth);

_container = new ObjectContainer3D();

_nuBox1 = new CustomBox(_cubeGeometrymat);
_nuBox2 = new CustomBox(_cubeGeometrymat);
_nuBox3 = new CustomBox(_cubeGeometrymat);









NAZ, Newbie
Posted: 22 November 2012 09:29 AM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 1 ]

I want that after i alter the vertices of the merged Mesh, every other plane modifies itself correctly in relation to the other vertices.

I’d appreciate any help, i’m pretty bored without having this fixed :(.




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