Hatched shadow issue when object is casting on itself

Software: Away3D 4.x

alihm, Jr. Member
Posted: 08 November 2012 09:21 AM   Total Posts: 49

Hi everyone,
I’m using a directional light to cast shadow on an object. The problem is when object rotates or you move around the object, the faces that are parallel to the light direction get hatched shadows (see the attached image). this issue is noticeable on any object that is casting shadows on itself.

Here are things that I tried:

I get same behavior with point lights.
When I decrease the epsilon value, hatched lines become smaller and closer; increasing epsilon does the opposite. but they do not disappear.
I’ve tried all shadow methods, they all have this problem.
Decreasing depthMapSize makes it worse and you can’t get bigger than 2048

Anyone knows how to solve this? Is it a bug?
Is it possible to blur the shadowmap or make it softer to make the hatch disappear?
I’d appreciate any help.

Settings of the attached image:

depthMapSize = 2048
epsilon = 0.00001
object size = 150
light = DirectionalLight
shadowMapMethod = new NearShadowMapMethod(new SoftShadowMapMethod(light))




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