Scaling / squishing a View? (for stereoscopic 3D)

Software: Away3D 4.x

mb85, Newbie
Posted: 02 November 2012 08:51 PM   Total Posts: 14

I’m attempting to do some stereoscopic stuff in Flash using the side-by-side format. Basically Im looking to place 2 views of the same scene side by side, each ones x-scale at 0.5 so they appear squished. When viewed on a 3d TV, the tv will automatically take those 2 squished views and combine them into at 3d view, at half resolution of the original images.

So my question is, is it possible to apply scaling to a view to make it look squished? Or is this something I have to do with the camera? Or is there some obscure stereoscopic functionality already built into Away3d that im not aware of?

Any help would be awesome! Thanks!



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